Luna's GS441524 FIP New Drug Trial Update - Day Five (2017)


Well, here we are! Not only did Luna make it to day five, but she took it like a boss! Jamison and I said today, "this doesn't seem real. Last week we were saying goodbye to her, yet now we are taking home a healthy, vibrant pistol of a cat (Dr. Pedersen's description for her). There's real hope we will get to watch her grow up"? I feel like I fell asleep, and nothing awful ever happened. I keep thinking how just a few months ago, we were empty nesters and a pet-free couple who occasionally browsed the Savannah cat breeding sites thinking, "it'd be cool to have one of those cats one day." Yet here we are...two breeders later (the one terrible experience that I will blog about at another time) and then the perfect experience finding Luna, only for things to turn lethal in the blink of an eye.

I keep thinking, "what if I never spent all those hours searching for options after that dreaded diagnosis"? What if I'd never reached out to UC Davis, thinking, "there's no way we would have a shot at not only saving Luna but being part of what could be the cure for effusive FIP"? And to think that six weeks ago, we didn't even know what FIP was because we didn't even own a cat! There's so much to digest, explain, rationalize, and celebrate!

Now on to Luna--she's doing fantastic! Her anemia has improved, and her heart murmur is barely audible. Her belly fluid is essentially non-existent, and her temperature remains normal. Her weight increases, and it is actual weight, NOT fluid weight! Her energy level and appetite are through the roof. Her coat is shiny and healthy-looking (no longer dull and standing on end), and a spark in her eyes hasn't been there in weeks!

What else can I say? It's like there's nothing wrong with her, and it's crazy how fast she went from being at death's door to seemingly perfect! We will take her home tomorrow and continue daily injections through 12 weeks, along with daily temps. And weights and repeat lab work by our home vet every few weeks, all reported back to her care team at Davis to add to her study.

We will closely follow the results of this new drug and the one before it. It will be a crazy and expensive next few months, but well worth it! We cannot say enough about the incredible team at UC Davis that took impeccable care of Luna and us. They were terrific every step of the way, and there's no doubt they will miss Luna!

I won't disclose any drug or trial information beyond Luna's progress because of respect for the team and their dedicated work here. That is their privileged information to publish and share when they are ready. I know inquiring minds what to know, and excitement is in the air, but please respect that we will not disclose those details.

We also want to thank our friends in the Savannah community and the "FIP Fighters" Facebook group, who pitched in financially to make this easier on us with the costly last-minute flights and hotel arrangements. You all are incredible, and we thank you! It's far from over but well worth the investment.


Luna's FIP GS441524 New Drug Trial Update - Day Six (2017)


Luna's GS441524 FIP New Drug Trial Update - Day Four