FIP New Drug Trial Update: Lab Results (2017)


The good news keeps coming! Yesterday was Luna's first lab check. I am happy to report yet another astounding improvement! I've attached a comparison from yesterday's CBC and differential to the one from her diagnosis on 4/24/17.

  • Her white cell count is down from 24.6 to 9.9 - NORMAL RANGE

  • She is still slightly anemic, which Dr. Pedersen assures us is normal for a kitten of her age, and given the diagnosis/treatment

  • Her differential is in the 100% normal range now (each lab uses different reference ranges)

  • Her total protein, which isn't shown on these results, is now 9.2, up from 5.8 at Davis and 6.6 when she was diagnosed. This is higher because of the protein she needs to break down and process from her abdominal fluid. This will be a critical number to watch as she continues to heal.

 Luna continues to do well with the injections becoming more tolerable by her each the point that I can do them without help holding her down. The rectal temperatures...that's another story! It took five sticks to get the blood yesterday, and the sites didn't want to stop bleeding. Her platelets are slightly low but not terribly out of range. We had to use pressure dressings and leave them on for one hour. 


FIP New Drug Trial Update: Four Weeks and Thriving (2017)


Luna's FIP GS441524 New Drug Trial Update - Day Six (2017)