Savannah Luna's GS-441524 Drug Trial for FIP Day Two


Luna's battle with Feline Infectious Peritonitis and a long-awaited, life-saving drug trial GS-441524 EVO984 2017

Today was a great day! Being the weekend and the clinic closed, we arranged a visit with Luna when Dr. Montgomery (another vet working with Dr. Pedersen). Mike (Dr. Pedersen's vet tech/assistant) will examine and administer her second dose at 9:00 a.m. Little Luna was resting quietly but quickly sprang to her feet and approached her food bowl. Jamison (the catty daddy) swooped her up first to say, "good morning." She wasn't having any of that and expressed herself per her usual morning routine: "give me my wet food now"! I dished up the usual mixture of her two foods (chicken and seafood), and she gobbled them up while awaiting her injection.  

Her exam started with a fun rectal temperature check, not an easy undertaking on a cat. The results were a remarkable 100.6 degrees, down yet another degree from last evening! Another positive finding is that her heart murmur seems to be improving! She didn't even flinch when she received the injection, a very concentrated solution, and she had no delayed reaction. She went straight back to her food bowl and proceeded to chow down.  

Dr. Montgomery checked on her again this evening; her temperature was 100.8, and she was eating well and being playful. Dr. Montgomery texted us a video of her playing with a feather toy. It's tough not to see her more, but she is convalescing and seems content, which is what she needs for her tiny body to heal. We will get to see her again at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. I believe the plan is to repeat her lab work on Monday. The team is very pleased with her status and progress, and we are cautiously optimistic. Mandy Murphy, a fellow Savannah owner in the UK, gets the photo credit for yesterday's and today's artistic depictions of Luna. She's a book cover artist and a very talented one at that! She snagged the photos of Luna from my Facebook album and generously made these beautiful creations for us. We're very touched by all the support and generosity so many have shown Luna, Jamison, and me from the "Savannah Cat Enthusiasts" group and our beautiful friends!  

Per Dr. Pedersen's recommendations, we stayed busy today, walking the many trails that snaked around UC Davis (a beautiful university) and visiting a few nearby hiking trails in Sonoma, Napa, and Auburn.


Luna's FIP GS441524 Drug Trial Update - Day Three


Savannah Luna's GS-441524 Drug Trial for FIP Day One