FIP New Drug Trial: Six Weeks Out and Thriving!


We are at the six-week mark of Luna being off her life-saving, anti-viral trial drug, exceeding all expectations! She had her four-week labs drawn on August 23rd. Aside from a lab error with her platelets (caused by six attempts by the technician to get her blood, resulting in a clotted specimen), they are all holding steady with only a few small variances from the last few draws that are minute to be of concern to the research team. We will recheck her labs at the 10-12 week mark.

Luna is 7 1/2 lbs now and continues to be extremely active and playful, particularly at about 5:00 a.m. when she drags each of her toys into our bed, demanding that we play fetch with her! Her temperature has remained stable, as has her appetite.

We are enjoying her normal Savannah cat behavior and temperament and watching her blossom into an adult cat, which feels like it happened almost overnight. It's hard to believe that we are getting to do that; most days, it's still very surreal that she is still with us and thriving. Our focus now is to try to relax and not constantly check her belly several times per day or freak out if she wants to nap longer than usual or if she is having a finicky day of not eating.

The plan is to get her soon a playmate, another Savannah kitten who is healthy and poses no health risks to Luna and vice-versa. Savannah's cats are very busy, playful, inquisitive, and attention-seeking, and we would love for her to have a companion when she is home alone. She is a very good cat and doesn't destroy things or get into much like many are known to do. We are fortunate in so many ways with Luna, and we are not taking one second of that for granted. The adventure continues!


Luna's First Backpacking Adventure (2017)


FIP New Drug Trial: Two Weeks Off Meds and Holding Strong (2017)